If you are located in Costa Rica, please click to shop our main website at www.createdencosta.com

somos pura vida

Created en Costa, ¡Capturando nuestro estilo de vivir en cada prenda!

Welcome to our International Shop

Created En Costa is a brand that embodies the Pura Vida lifestyle of Costa Rica. Our inspiration comes from the everyday magic of our hometown, Mal País/Santa Teresa, and is transformed into designs that capture the unique spirit and special feeling of this place.

Until recently our products have only been available for purchase within Costa Rica, but with friends and customers around the world, we have decided to make a few designs available for international purchase. If you’re located in Costa Rica or will be visiting, you can find our full range of products here.

about us

We are more than just a brand or a t-shirt

We are a family that shares the same love for our country. From the person who proposes a crazy idea, friends that help with photos, or the person who puts our sticker on their surfboard, we are all Created en Costa.